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Release Notes v2.12.0-beta.1

  • Files can now be drag-and-dropped onto tables. Tables that can import data through a CSV file will accept CSV files (except purchase orders). Files can also be dropped into Document tables, both on the global table as well as on the Documents table that belong to things (i.e. parts, etc). In this case, the file is saved/uploaded to the workspace itself and becomes listed on the thing it refers to.
  • Calendar: you have now access to a calendar to better and more easily visualize important dates (deadlines). Just look for the calendar button that, if available, should be right next to the filters button (see below). Right now you have access to a calendar in: sales orders (delivery dates), production plans (dates by which products should be assembled) and production builds (dates by which production should have inventory reserved and has been fully assembled)
  • API: /documents endpoins added so you can get and set documents for things in the app (i.e. for parts, etc)