Chance for an incorrect quote MOQ warning on purchase lists[fix]
Displaying incorrectQuantity
for reserved inventory affecting correspondingWorth
(previously displaying quantity on-hand)
BOMIST has two release channels:
Would you like to get early access to new features? Check out the beta channel instead.
and beta
. This changelog refers to the main
one.Would you like to get early access to new features? Check out the beta channel instead.
Issue related with the way currency rates are fetched, potentially affecting app's performance in several situations
fields added to the storage parts table[fix]
Chance for crash on tables[fix]
Chance for previously removed team members to show up on the app
Prevent generic parts to be manually added into a purchase order
- When removing parts or inventory a comment can be added which will show up on history logs
- API: price breaks can be defined in custom quotes
category can be picked when creating a Product and the corresponding in-house Part from the Products tab[fix]
Chance for Digikey API endpoint not to work[fix]
History eventinventory unreserve
not created when an item is excluded from production build (not assembled but with inventory previously reserved)
- The app now remembers the last tab in use so it redirects to it whenever the app is started or when switching to another workspace
Unable to remove obsolete inventory
- Custom fields of type text can be displayed on the calendar as comments, below the event it refers to
- Automatically copy cell contents to clipboard on click is now disabled by default and can be enabled through the setting available at
Settings > General
- When editing available or obsolete inventory, the quantity can be directly edited (instead of adjusted, by adding or subtracting a quantity)
When copy cell on click in enabled, editable cell should prevent copying to clipboard[fix]
Prevent edit button in theNotes
editor from overlapping content
- When clicking a cell on a table, its contents get automatically copied to the clipboard. This avoids having to use the table's context-menu for
Copy... > Cell
(orCmd+ C
on macOS) copies selected rows to the clipboard (in CSV format) for the currently focused table. This avoids having to use the table's context-menu forCopy... > Rows
TME API: filter supplier part numbers before checking prices[fix]
Sorting byValue
not working with values that aren't SI values[fix]
Chance for crash on a purchase list due to unit conversion error[fix]
Chance for crash in the production availability table[fix]
Designators not being unrolled when ranges are used[fix]
Chance for app getting unresponsive when syncing large amounts of data
TME API: cache issue and chance for not being able to fetch quotes[fix]
Not being able to move up/down custom field more than once[fix]
Not being able to removeDeliver by
deadline on a sales order
- Labels can now be moved into other labels (Settings > Workspace > Parts > Labels)
- Custom fields can now be ordered (Settings > Workspace > Custom fields). The order is preserved when displaying custom fields in modals.
TME API: theProducts/Search
endpoint is now used as theProducts/GetProducts
used before uses supplier part numbers instead of manufacturer part numbers[fix]
Chance for storage name not to be updated in the details section[fix]
Chance for crash on BOM due to unit of measure conversion error