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  • Production: links for project and project revision added to the top of the table
  • [fix] Project builds: chance for the `Pick alternate..." context-menu to be incorrectly disabled
  • [fix] Project builds: update allocated inventory when merging or splitting items
  • [fix] Generic parts: changed the way Stock Balance is calculated. Since generics don't keep their own stock (instead, they use stock from their alternate parts), Stock Balance for generic parts only takes into account their own planned and allocated inventory as open purchase lists and planned project builds are the only places where you can find generic parts listed. The Stock Balance of each of its alternates is then added into this value, but only if positive.

  • Purchasing: parts can be replaced on purchase lists
  • Purchasing: when the same quote is used in multiple lines, an error is displayed
  • [fix] Purchasing: planned inventory not getting updated when parts are selected for generics
  • [fix] Parts: wrong Stock Balance on generics
  • [fix] Chance for fuzzy search to (still) filter out some valid results
  • From now on, all Windows releases are signed with an EV Code Signing Certificate

  • Project Pricing & Availability: when creating a purchase list, keep already selected quotes
  • Parts: generic parts now have an Inventory table on the Parts > Details tab, so you can see inventory of all of its alternate parts
  • Purchase Lists: when a generic part is replaced by one of its alternates, that part can then be reverted so it becomes the original generic part again
  • Purchasing: order multiples (i.e. an item that can be bought only on multiples of that value) are now used and if the quantity to be ordered is not a multiple a warning/error is displayed
  • Purchasing: quotes for generic parts include a reference to the Part Number they belong to
  • [fix] Some external links not working

  • Projects: when removing a project revision you now need to type a confirmation text in order to make it harder to accidently remove its BOM and project builds
  • Projects: a project build is now considered in-progress once inventory has been reserved for at least one item
  • Parts: the on/off setting for the auto-completer for outsourced parts in the Part dialog is now remembered
  • Lots: when manually increasing quantity of inventory on a Lot a (big) warning is displayed and leaving a comment, briefly explaining this adjustment, is mandatory
  • Barcodes: angle brackets can now be used to replace non-readable characters on vendor-barcodes (e.g. <GS>; before only curly brackets were supported as in {GS})
  • Tables: when clicking on a chevron to expand/collapse a row, the corresponding row is not selected
  • [fix] When going-to Storage, chance for selected storage not to be visible if nested inside collapsed storage locations
  • [fix] When exporting tables into PDF or HTML, group by is now respected
  • [fix] Generic parts: stock (allocated, planned, etc) not being updated according to its alternates
  • [fix] Alt. Lot # can now be grouped by and sorting has been fixed
  • Inventory: inventory for in-house parts without a project associated to them can get a textual Rev (instead of having to pick a specific revision from a project)
  • Inventory: when adding inventory, a Rev can be defined
  • Lots: Lots can now be manually created through the Lots tab. These are named custom Lots as inventory can be added into them only manually (through the Inventory table or when importing parts)
  • Lots: Lot # can now be renamed
  • Lots: new field Alt. Lot #. While Lot # has to be unique, Alt. Lot # doesn't. It can be used to represent a vendor or customer-facing lot code, different than the one used internally.
  • Projects: Pricing & Availability table now includes an Availability column. This represents availability to purchase (if needed), according to the selected quotes (or lack of them). This should make it easier to spot the parts that might be harder to source for the desired quantity.
  • Date pickers now have a select box to quickly select the year and month
  • Settings: Enforce quotes no longer exists. On a purchase list, selecting quotes is mandatory so purchase orders for each supplier can be created.
  • Multiple labels can be removed at the same time
  • Inventory on a Lot can now be manually increased. This might result in traceability loss as this adjustment might not be related with the purchase order or project build the Lot was originally created at, so adding a comment explaining this adjustment is recommended.
  • [fix] Suppliers: not able to create a price break on a custom quote
  • [fix] API: part not being correctly assigned when creating a project build
  • [fix] External links not opening on the default browser
  • [fix] Print shortcut printing inventory barcode labels on the Parts view, instead of part barcode labels
  • Several small UI/UX improvements
  • Team Workspaces can now be recycled. Recycling a team workspace consists of deleting it and creating a new one from scratch, keeping the same team members. All data is lost. Only owners can recycle a team workspace.

  • [fix] Parts: when manually creating parts disable auto-completer if type is not ´outsourced`
  • [fix] Unable to select parts to add as alternates
  • [fix] Unable to manually create a BOM entry
  • [fix] Row selection
  • Dialogs are now draggable (can be moved around on the app)
  • When reducing inventory to zero, remove the inventory itself if no quantity is reserved for something else
  • By default, adding parts to a purchase list (Add to...) adds the part's Stock Balance if negative
  • New stock fields added to tables
  • Significant performance improvements on the app
  • [fix] Unable to manually create parts