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  • This release brings a much faster implementation of tables. Being a very table-intensive app, this means the app should also perform better overall.
  • Columns in tables can now be pinned (to the left of the table) so they are always visible when scrolling horizontally.

Your current table configurations won't be used with this new implementation. This means all columns will be visible by default and with a default size. For every table make sure to select the View previously being used or to hide columns that you don't need to have displayed. Even though this implementation is much faster, the use of table Views is still recommended.

  • This is the first release that brings support for the upcoming ENTERPRISE plan. Similar to the TEAM plan but it allows you to host everything yourself (users and Team Workspaces), keeping the app 100% offline if needed as it comes with an offline license so it doesn't need to touch our servers at all. The offline license can also include access to multiple Team Workspaces. If you'd like to try this out, please get in touch.

    Documentation on how to set up and use the ENTERPRISE plan is available here:

  • Releases for macOS are now universal (they run natively both on Intel and ARM processors)

  • Backport of v2.9.26 release (see changelog)
  • Parts can be added into purchase lists from the Pricing & Availability table and the Order Qty is assumed by default
  • On Pricing & Availability table, missing inventory can be checked through Stock Balance instead of Stock Available

  • Some improvements on data sync (Team Workspaces)
  • Small UI improvements
  • [fix] Go-to issue when issue type filter is selected
  • Backport of v2.9.25 release (see changelog)

  • Barcode labels (detailed format) now include a second barcode which encodes the text that is printed on the label as a title. For example, for Part labels that represents the Part Number, while for Storage labels that represents the storage location's name.

  • Parts can now be added straight into purchase orders. You can pick an existing purchase order on the desired supplier or create a new one. When adding parts straight into purchase orders you'll have to manually set prices for each line (if needed).

  • When moving quoted parts on a purchase list to purchase orders, you can now opt to add those into existing open purchase orders or to create new ones. Previously, a new purchase order would be created for every selected supplier.

  • Beta versions of the app now always backup daily and on a different backup folder, so the main one is not clogged with beta backups which could be eventually deleted due to the rolling backups.

  • Procurement settings added under Settings - Workspace - Procurement

  • Backport of v2.9.24 release (see changelog)
  • Only for sale parts can be added into sales orders and sales-only suppliers
  • When manually creating a part, a lot can be created along with the initial inventory
  • API: deliveryDate on sales orders has been deprecated, expected.deliverBy should be used instead (please check API documentation)
  • Some other small UI and UX improvements
  • Backport of v2.9.23 releases (see changelog)
  • Parts autocompleter in the Part dialog: results sorted by name's length
  • Small charts with some statistics added to purchasing, production builds and sales

  • BOM: Assign to first match option is now enabled by default
  • API: production plans and units of measure endpoints added
  • [fix] Add to... menu always disabled under the Parts tab
  • Role-based permissions: you can now create custom roles with detailed permissions

  • Inventory ID code and Date code can be set when receiving items on a PO
  • Inventory Date code can be set when finishing a production build
  • [fix] Failing to autocomplete part's data (integration with Nexar API)
  • New feature: role-based permissions (Team Workspaces only)
  • The app is now using the new Nexar API (formerly Octopart API)
  • [fix] Procurement picking the wrong product revision
  • [fix] Input not accepting the minus symbol (-)

Role-based Permissions

This release introduces role-based permissions. Right now you can pick from 3 basic roles:

  • Admin: can add other users, has access to all features
  • Member: cannot add other users but has access to all features
  • Observer: has access to all the features but in read-only mode (data cannot be changed)

The role can be set when adding a Team Member (only through the app), or through the Account & Team dialog.

Soon you will also be able to create custom roles with detailed permissions.

  • Backport of v2.9.20, v2.9.21 and v2.9.22 releases (see changelog)
  • New feature: Production Plans (more below)
  • Projects have been renamed to Products
  • Inventory can now have an ID code, which should uniquely identify the inventory itself, and a Date code. The ID code shows up on Sources, when picking inventory for assembly.

  • Products and Inventory tables added to Contacts, so you can see, for a given contact, all the products or inventory the contact is a customer or owner of.
  • [fix] Wrong quantity when adding a part into a purchase list through Add to... > Purchase List

Production Plans

Production plans are essentially an additional step before creating project builds. Since projects builds only look at current availability, it was so far quite difficult to tell if you'd have enough stock to build multiple projects, either now or along time, unless inventory would be imediatlly reserved which in turn would have to be already available and in full. Production plans address that.

All you specify in a production plan is how many units you want to build, by which date they should be ready and, optionally, what's the reason for you to need that quantity. Once you want to actually move things into production, you pick the production plans you want to move into production which can then be merged into a single project build for each project.

Procurement of missing parts is also improved, as the app will automatically create a purchase list and/or other production plans for all the missing parts.Finally, when items are addedd into this purchase list or production plans are created, they keep a reference for what originated them making it easier to track if a given quantity that was purchased for a build has been ordered or not, for example.

Production plans are available on professional plans only. Production builds can still be created directly.

Partial Builds

Sometimes you have enough inventory partially finish a production build. The app will detect that and, from selected production plans, would create two different builds: a partial one which is ready to be built, and another one with the remaining quantity, which would have to wait for missing parts to be received or produced. As mentioned above, procurement is done automatically.

Cancelling And Adjusting Batch Sizes

On top of of completely removing a production build, you now have the option to cancel a production build. When cancelling a build, the build is marked as such (but not removed) and production plans that origated it are re-created. This means you can then remove, edit or add other production plans and create a new build for the new batch size.

Instead of editing the build's batch size directly, the quantity adjustment is done on the production plan itself.

When cancelling a build, all parts and quantities that have been automatically procured are removed, as long as they remain in an open purchase list or production plan.