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  • Other added to part categories so it can be selected when all other categories don't feel appropriate
  • Part types displayed with a colored background for easier identification on the tables
  • [fix] Chance for no unit cost nor quote error on the Pricing & Availability table even though a quote has been selected
  • [fix] Chance for caching error message (does not look like a valid storage file)
  • A few small UI/UX improvements

  • [fix] Production plans: Use attrition rate not being used when creating the production build
  • [fix] Production plans: Use alternates not being used when checking for missing inventory
  • [fix] Sales orders: items had to be removed twice to fully be removed from the table

  • [fix] Chance for allocated inventory to be listed when the product revision it refers to doesn't exist anymore
  • [fix] Chance for wrong sorting of Qty fields
  • Some small UI improvements

  • When receiving items on a PO you can now tell the app to also export the inventory barcode labels for the inventory that has been just received
  • Production plans: an option was added so no partial builds are created
  • Vendor-barcodes: a custom group separator can be set through Settings - Barcodes. This might be useful for barcode readers that support non-printable character replacement with a single character only
  • Generic parts can be marked as non-stocking
  • When a production plan is automatically created during procurement (from sales orders or other production plans) its batch size can be edited to a higher value if needed (previously, editing wasn't possible)
  • [fix] BOM preferences dialog: not able to set multiple fields for part matching data
  • [fix] Storage: history logs not showing up
  • [fix] Chance for incorrect "part already exists" error when creating a part
  • [fix] When reverting a received item on a PO, storage field not being reset
  • [fix] Production plans: inventory restrictions being reset whenever changing the plan's batch size
  • [fix] Chance for update to fail on macOS Ventura

  • A setting was added at Settings > Workspace > Parts > Inventory > Remove if empty, which is enabled by default to keep the current behavior. However, users can now uncheck it in case they'd wish to keep the inventory itself even if its quantity is reduced to zero. This might be useful to keep a reference to the location of where that part should be stored at.
  • Parts data can now be grouped by Internal PN
  • [fix] Chance for maximum stack call size exceeded error when exporting a table into CSV format
  • [fix] Chance for planned inventory not to be tracked once parts are added into a purchase order from a purchase list
  • API: idCode and dateCode can now be passed when creating or editing inventory
  • Inventory barcodes include the idCode and dateCode in the meta field (bold text)
  • [fix] Chance for go-to production build not to work
  • [fix] Quantity fields not being correctly sorted
  • [fix] Chance for barcode not to be updated when keeping the part's tooltip visible and changing the currently selected part
  • [fix] Status fulfillment not displayed in the Production column under the Products tab
  • [fix] API: POST /part/{part_id}/inventory not working
  • [fix] API: GET /ui/goto not working
  • [fix] API: data in the UI not being rerendered after changing data through the API
  • Some other small UI improvements

  • v2.10 was originally released with some performance issues. This update fixes that and performance should be now at least the same, if not better, as in v2.9.26
  • Similarly to what's available in the Pricing & Availability table, when checking for parts availability through production plans you can now set the procurement criteria (procure all parts or only if needed), stock source can set from available or from the stock balance and inventory restrictions can be applied for the selected production plans. When selecting production plans for a single product, the inventory restrictions (if any) are automatically set from the product.
  • Column Procure Qty was added in the production availability table to highlight the quantities to be procured depending on the chosen criteria (as explained above)
  • [fix] Chance for parts not to be displayed in the production availability table
  • [fix] Chance for storage to be empty after syncing a Team Workspace for the first time (initial load)
  • [fix] Document's category not being displayed in the Documents table
  • [fix] Erratic behavior on quantity inputs

  • Improvements on syncing: a progress is displayed when changes are pending (pulling from server). This is especially relevant when loading a Team Workspace for the first time as the initial setup time might take longer. Initial load should also be faster.
  • Some UI changes on app's footer: the counters can now be hidden
  • Purchasing tab in Parts > Details is now back
  • [fix] Chance for purchase lists and orders to be incorrectly filtered (using filters from v2.9)
  • [fix] Chance for creating a build for the wrong product

  • Significant improvements on initial setup time when opening a workspace
  • Barcode labels: smaller barcode which encodes the label's title can now be removed/hidden through Settings > Barcodes > Hide title barcode
  • Available by column added to the Procurement table so you can see by which date quantities should be available
  • [fix] Chance for the app to enter into read-only mode even if authenticated and with write permissions
  • [fix] Pagination: page index not resetting after page count becomes lower than the current index
  • [fix] Context menu items enabled on grouped rows when they should be disabled

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.

Once a Workspace has been opened with this version of the app, you won't be able to use it in earlier versions. This is because v2.10 introduces concepts and data types that previous versions don't know how to deal with. Always make sure to backup your data before updating the app.

  • Newly redesigned and rewritten documentation website
  • Units of measure: you can now track things that are measured by its length, area, volume or weight (learn more)
  • Parts can now have one of these categories: Electrical, Mechanical or Consumable (learn more)
  • Role-based permissions on Team Workspaces (learn more)
  • Projects have been renamed to Products
  • Improved production planning and parts procurement (more on this below)
  • Lowest state of a product build is now allocated (previously planned) as there's now production plans
  • Inventory can have its own unique ID code (e.g. code that uniquely identifies a reel)
  • Barcode labels now include a second barcode which encodes its title (e.g. part number, storage location's name, etc)
  • When manually adding rows in a BOM, a part can be immediately picked to be assigned
  • Custom fields of type option can have a background color, depending on its value, for easier visual identification
  • When moving parts from a purchase list into purchase orders, purchase orders that are still open for the selected can be picked instead of creating new ones
  • Parts can be directly Add to... purchase orders (useful when you don't need to find quotes for certain parts, which in case of purchase lists you are required to)
  • Only for sale parts can be added into sales orders and sales-only suppliers (i.e. parts must be marked as for sale before they can be added into sales orders or sales-only suppliers)
  • Several UI and UX minor improvements
  • [fix] When picking inventory for generic parts in production, respect the Default sorting (by default, parts with the lowest stock should show up first)
  • [fix] Unable to export the History table into CSV or JSON formats

Better Production Planning and Parts Procurement

In previous versions, missing inventory was checked against currently available stock and on a per-project basis. Inventory would only become unavailable only when reserved, or actually used, on a given project build. This made it difficult to tell if you'd have enough stock to build multiple projects at a single time which eventually use parts in common.

Better than checking currently available stock is to check your stock balance. This way, even if you don't have any stock available but already have it planned (e.g. on a purchase list) and don't have anything that is meant to use it (i.e. not allocated to any production build or sales order), then you probably don't need to buy or produce more of it in case that incoming stock (i.e. planned, on-order on in-production) is already enough. In other words, if you are overstocking and that extra quantity is enough to fulfill your needs, then you don't need to procure more of it.

Another improvement is being able to schedule production through production plans. A production plan describes a need to build a product in a given quantity by a given date. This way you can plan production for the whole year if needed. Production plans create planned inventory. At any given time you can then select the production plans you actually want to allocate into production and for which you'd want to check for missing inventory so you can procure it.

The app will tell you which plans can be built, if partially, in full or not at all (i.e. not enough parts to build a single unit). You can also see which exact parts are missing and in which quantities.

A single production build can be created from several production plans for the same product and revision. If it's possible to build a fraction of the desired quantity without having to procure parts, the app will create two builds: one that can be built as soon as possible, and another one that will have to wait for parts now being procured.

Procurement itself is also done automatically: the app will tell you which missing parts will be added into purchase lists or, in case of sub-assemblies, for which parts production plans will be created. On the other hand, you can also see on the production builds which parts have been automatically procured.

You can read more about this in the documentation website. If you still have questions, please get in touch!