Purchasing: a part cannot be replaced if the item or the purchase list has been closed already
Project builds: new setting under Workspace allows project builds to transition to the in-progress state whether inventory for at least one part has been reserved or when at least one part has been assembled
[fix] Barcodes: chance for the configuration button not to be visible, when the search field text, when set, is too long
When selecting a grouping row, if it has a single row under it, select that row instead. This avoids having to expand the grouping row to select the single row under it.
Table Views can now be reordered (drag-and-drop) in the Views selector
When importing prices, if the currency is not specified, the default preferred one is used instead
Filters are now remembered when restarting the app. This way, if a currently selected table View uses filters, that view is also preserved.
[fix] BOM: Rev value not being correctly exported into CSV
[fix] Filters: not working properly for fields with modifiers (i.e. =, >, etc) once the clear filters button is pressed
[fix] When editing a field of type AppElement, default value not being displayed
[fix] Chance for table headers order not to be saved after reordering them
[fix] Chance for crash when removing projects with in-house parts (when project Details tab is open)
BOM preferences: assign first match setting added. By default, when importing a BOM the app will only assign a part if it finds a single matching one, otherwise it presents you with all possible parts that can be assigned to a row. By enabling Assign first matchthe first matching part is always assigned, regardless of how many other parts were also matched.
Table body's text color slightly dimmed
Performance improvements on listing parts under Storage
[fix] Default value not set when editing a boolean custom field
All unit prices or costs are now displayed with 4 decimal places
Purchasing: purchases orders (POs) can now be created from a purchase list (PL) without the need for all items in the PL to have a quote assigned. Purchase orders are created for all items that currently have a quote assigned. This allows you to create POs faster, not having to wait for a PL to be fully quoted. When items on a PL have been moved into a PO, they are marked as closed and displayed with a striped background for easier identification.
Purchasing: on purchase orders, Unit Price can now be edited (previously, only the Total Price). When editing the unit price, the total price is automatically updated according to ordered quantity. Likewise, when updating the total price the unit price is also automatically updated according to ordered quantity.
[fix] API: usePartAttrition not honed when creating a project build
Custom fields that have the same name (belonging to different app elements - e.g. part, project build item, etc) get the name of the app element they belong to displayed on table headers so they can be distinguished
Parts: description in the details panel breaks lines, so new lines are correctly formatted
[fix]Ctrl+A (select all rows) not working if caps lock is active
[fix] BOM: row numbers getting out of order after restarting the app (only when importing the BOM via CSV file)
[fix] Production: unit cost of generic parts not being taken into account when estimating production's unit cost
BOM: in-house parts without a project are not marked as Sub-assembly
Production: after consuming inventory, if the available quantity is zero and the inventory is not reserved for anything else, remove the inventory itself
Filters: number of filters set is displayed next to the Clear all filters button
History: inventory removed logs display how / where it was removed from (e.g. during production)
[fix] Some filters on the Parts Finder dialog not working
[fix] View selector not saving filters in the Production tab
[fix] Production: sorting by Assembled? not working as expected
[fix] Unsaved changes dialog popping up after saving Notes on a project revision or project build
[fix] Parts: when manually creating parts and changing the part's type, unset previously set fields that don't exist on the currently selected type
Projects: when creating a new project, and an in-house part through it, the app now checks if the Part Number already exists
BOM: when defining Designators, whitespaces can no longer be used as a delimiter (instead, commas and semi-columns should be used - e.g. "C1-10, C20" or "R1;R2;R3")
BOM: when importing a BOM, Designators is no longer a mandatory field
When picking inventory sources in production, listed parts have a tooltip for better identification
When creating a custom quote, a Supplier PN can be defined, if the part doesn't exist on the selected supplier yet
When exporting tables, you can now enable/disable row numbers to be present on the output file (CSV or JSON)
[fix] Purchasing: received on and ordered on being set to today's date by default when importing a purchase order
[fix] Pricing: quotes for generic parts not being correctly sorted by price
[fix] Documents: not able to change Category
[fix] Tooltips hidden under modals
[fix] Chance for Team Workspaces not to re-render data as it gets updated/synced