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  • API: CORS can now be configured by setting the environment variable BOMIST_API_CORS, with multiple hosts separated by a comma (e.g. BOMIST_API_CORS=http://localhost:3000,
  • [fix] BOM: not able to pick inventory revision for in-house parts that don't have a project
  • [fix] Production: stock not being updated for alternate parts when marking items as assembled
  • [fix] Storage: empty values when grouping inventory by Storage
  • [fix] Auto-updater: popup with Install now button not showing up

  • Pretty much every link in the app has now an info popup when hovered (previously, only parts)

  • Purchasing: items not received on a PO marked as received have a striped background to easily identify those parts in the PO

  • Inventory: when manually adjusting inventory on a storage location that is marked as full, a warning is displayed
  • [fix] Finding parts dialog: Add button always disabled
  • [fix] BOM: when auto-assigning parts, Package and Value on the BOM not being overwritten by the assigned part's Package and `Value
  • [fix] Production: when reserving/unreserving a generic part, stock wasn't being updated for the chosen alternate part

  • [fix] Production not showing up
  • [fix] BOM: issues not being displayed once the table is rendered
  • [fix] BOM: chance for importer to fail matching parts when CSV file uses non-UTF8 encoding

  • Suppliers: custom quotes can now be displayed on a table (previously only on the Details panel) which can then be exported into a CSV or PDF file. When using suppliers for sales-only, this can be useful to share your own prices with a potential customer in one of those formats.

  • Suppliers: the way suppliers and custom quotes are imported was a little bit refactored: some fields changed name and Supplier PN is now optional. An example file that can be imported is available here.
  • [fix] API: /search not working when IDs were passed
  • [fix] Team Workspaces: several offline detector messages stacked up when resuming the app back from idle/sleep mode

  • Availability column is now available on Purchase Lists as well (before, only on Projects > Pricing & Availability)
  • When exporting tables into CSV and JSON, row numbers are always included (if present on the original table)
  • Storage combo box items now display the storage location's description and owner (if available)
  • Tables: number of selected rows is displayed on the bottom of the table
  • [fix] Failing to import a workspace for which a custom Company Logo has been set
  • [fix] Go-to Sales

  • [fix] Unable to export table that includes the Alternates field and parts with alternates
  • [fix] Purchasing: when auto-assigning quotes, chance for not picking the cheapest one
  • [fix] Generic parts: on Parts > Details > Inventory hovering an alternate part would show info about the generic part itself and not the alternate one

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • Significant improvements on performance
  • New stock/inventory concepts: Available, Allocated, Planned, In-production, Stock Balance
  • Custom Lots
  • Projects: parts can now be auto-assigned on the BOM table (before auto-assignment would be attempted only upon importing the BOM)
  • Parts data (description, package and value) for already existing parts can now be auto-completed (before, only when manually creating them)
  • Team management can now be done through the app (instead of the website)
  • You can now increase quantity on a Lot, but since that might lead to traceability loss a warning is displayed and a comment must be provided briefly explaining the adjustment
  • Pricing & Availability: table includes a column indicating the availability on the selected supplier
  • Inventory Value Report now uses Stock On-hand (instead of Stock Available)

New Stock/Inventory Concepts

The biggest change in this release is the addition of new stock/inventory types to track its specific usage and/or requirements.

  • Allocated: inventory that is required in a project build or sales order. It represents a need for it, regardless of if you are able to fulfil it or not.
  • On-hand and Available: what was before called on-hand inventory has been renamed to available and now the Stock On-hand represents all the inventory that you in fact have on-hand (i.e. either Available or already Reserved for project builds and sales orders)
  • Planned: this represents all the inventory included in open purchase lists and purchase orders.
  • In-production: this represents inventory that is in-production (i.e. the project builds and their batch sizes)

Except for the Available inventory, all other types of inventory are generated automatically by the app. For example, when creating a project build, in-production inventory is created for the in-house part the project build refers to and allocated inventory is created for all the parts that are used in its BOM and according to the project build's batch size. Stock Available remains the only type of inventory you can manually adjust.

Before, the parts Stock field would represent Stock Available + On-order whereas now it represents Stock Available + Planned + On-order + In-production. Essentially, it represents the stock that you have currently available plus the one that is incoming. In a similar fashion, the `Stock Allocated" represents outgoing inventory.

Additionally, Stock Balance represents all the stock that is available and incoming (planned, ordered or in-production) minus the stock that has been allocated. This should provide you with a useful insight on whether you are stocking more inventory than you need (overstocking) or the opposite (understocking).

Team Management

Team members can now be invited to or removed from a Team Workspace through the app (before, only through the website).

Through this dialog you can also set the company's logo which will be set globally for all the team members using the app. If you currently use a custom logo, you'll have to re-upload it though.

Autocompleting Parts

Parts with missing description, package or value? You can now autocomplete them in two clicks:

Custom Lots

So far Lot could have been created either when received parts on a purchase order or when finishing project builds. You can now create custom Lots which are not associated with any specific entity in the app. Custom Lots can be created either manually (through the UI) or by importing parts with a Lot field defined.

  • [fix] Filters: chance for the fuzzy search not to show all results that are valid
  • [fix] Settings: not able to unset default printer

  • Generic parts can be added into purchase lists but when a quote from one of its alternates is selected, the generic part is replaced by the one from the quote
  • [fix] API: not able to delete data
  • [fix] API: when moving inventory, if moving the entire quantity into a new storage location, don't create a new inventory; instead, only the storage location is updated
  • [fix] API: when adjusting inventory, remove the inventory itself if quantity is reduced to zero