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  • Storage locations can now be globally restricted so inventory in it becomes unavailable to production
  • Although it should be avoided, in preference of production plans, a purchase list can be created from the Pricing & Availability table persisting the quotes eventually selected there.
  • When at Products > Production > Plans inventory restrictions are set based on what's defined at the product level. Only when at Production > Plans the inventory restrictions can be overridden for all selected plans which might be from different products.
  • [fix] Purchase orders: Copy cart should use the | character as a delimiter when Mouser is the supplier

  • Production builds: Reserve and Assemble menu actions enabled even if selected row indicates missing inventory.
  • Inventory value report now includes the Internal PN if the Preferred PN setting is set accordingly.
  • Rows on the inventory value report can now be sorted by Worth (as before), Qty, Part Number, Internal PN or Manufacturer. Row numbers have been removed.
  • When opening a document, display a notification in case it needs to be downloaded (Team Workspaces only)
  • [fix] Chance for document category not to be displayed
  • [fix] When adding a new alternate part, ensure the part belongs to the same unit of measure category

  • [fix] Quotes not showing if custom Unit unit of measure is being used for part
  • [fix] Not creating inventory with Qty set to 0 when importing parts

  • When creating a new product revision, you can now select which other revision you'd like to copy it from
  • Generic parts: unit cost is now the simple average of all its alternates' unit cost as long as all of them are out-of-stock; otherwise the unit cost of the generic is the weighted average by taking into account the stock of each of its alternates (just as before). This allows to use generics to estimate costs even if none of its alternates is in stock.
  • In a production build, the unit cost of a row that uses a generic part comes from its Sources if available, instead of the generic part itself. Unit costs in production builds are now saved once rows are marked as assembled instead of reflecting the real-time unit cost of parts.
  • Inventory restrictions button added to the production build creation dialog
  • [fix] Chance for a crash in the production builds table
  • [fix] BOM: wrong unrolled quantities when using sub-assemblies with a nesting level greater than one
  • [fix] When importing a purchase order, chance for picking the wrong part for the mapped supplier part number
  • [fix] Prevent importing parts with negative stock unless stock already exists on the mapped Storage location
  • [fix] Unable to pick a revision in the Part Finder dialog for parts that are not in-house parts

  • Production builds: Qty /unit is no longer rounded up which could be misleading. It can be a fractional number as the quantity might not be an exact multiple of the quantity listed in the BOM due to attrition rate, or in case the Assembly Qty is manually set.
  • [fix] Unable to edit Assembly Qty

  • When creating parts with a unit of measure belonging in the Unit category, the selected unit of measure must have a ratio equal to 1. This ensures the app is able to track each item by its unit, even though bulk units of measure (e.g. "Pack 100") can and should (if appropriate) be used for example in custom quotes and when purchasing parts.
  • A "copy to clipboard" button was added in the details panel, so the name it refers to (e.g. Part Number, Purchase List #, etc) can be quickly copied into the clipboard.
  • [fix] When importing parts, in case the same part is listed more than once but with a different Rev, only a single part is now created, and inventory or multiple product revisions (if part's type is in-house) are also created, according to mapped Stock and Rev fields.
  • [fix] PDF print command: $data and $doc not being passed (introduced in previous update)
  • [fix] Barcodes: chance for filename to be empty when exporting the barcodes into a files (PNG or PDF)
  • [fix] Chance for some allocated inventory to be listed when it shouln't exist already (e.g. after cancelling a production build)
  • [fix] BOM instructions: newly created instruction always with index set at 1
  • [fix] Fixed some issues when editing a quantity with a minimum value set

  • BOM: Multi-level view now unrolls quantities for sub-assemblies. For example, if the main-assembly needs 2un of a sub-assembly that in turn uses 3un of PartA, then the total quantity for PartA on that sub-assembly is 6.
  • [fix] Truncate subtitle and description on PDFs so they don't overflow the page
  • [fix] Chance for the Ctrl + A shortcut not to select all rows in the Storage table

  • Deadlines for production plans and builds can now include a time (previously, just a date)
  • [fix] Production availability: chance for reporting wrong (lower) missing stock when the same part is used in different products
  • [fix] Tables not grouping by values in sub-rows (e.g. grouping by Part Number in a multi-level BOM)

  • [fix] Chance for internal PN generator not to work if series have been created before v2.13.2. This only affected Local Workspaces.
  • [fix] Wrong release notes URL when an update is released
  • [fix] Edit shortcut not working on tables

  • Inventory Sources are now sorted by part's number
  • Pricing & Availability table: exported PDF now includes total estimated cost
  • BOM entry dialog: parts that can be assigned are now displayed both with Part Number and Internal PN (if available) for easier reference
  • [fix] Not able to move obsolete inventory
  • [fix] Chance for PO exported into PDF to have the total cost zeroed
  • [fix] Stock Missing shouldn't be rendered for nested BOMs in multi-level BOMs
  • [fix] Some global history logs not being listed when the table is truncated (at 5000 rows)