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  • You can now generate barcode labels for inventory, which include current storage location

  • When individually moving inventory through the Storage > Inventory table you can now move partial quantities
  • [fix] Context menu incorrectly disabling some menu items
  • [fix] API: part.alternates, part.forSale and part.sellingPrice can now be updated

  • Some improvements affecting table performance
  • [fix] Purchase order: total and unit prices not updated if quantity is set to zero
  • [fix] Parsing USD prices including the dollar sign
  • [fix] API: POST /parts/{part_id}/inventory, storage, lot and rev not being correctly parsed
  • [fix] Issues: not able to copy cell containing message
  • [fix] Sales: chance for infinite loop

  • Storage is now represented through a table while names are still displayed in a tree-like structure. This allows for other storage-related fields to be displayed individually bringing all the features you already know from tables (e.g. sorting, grouping, etc)
  • Storage can now have custom fields
  • Some statistics about inventory in storage location is now displayed at the bottom of the table
  • Multiple inventory items can now be edited at once
  • [fix] Parts: auto-completer not showing up when manually adding parts
  • [fix] Settings > Workspace > Labels table scrolling into the just selected item

  • Significant performance improvements when editing a single item in a BOM or project build item (shorter loading time after item has been changed)
  • Barcode scanning: prefix 1P from ANSI MH10.8.2-2016 format is automatically parsed without having to enable one-shot scanning mode
  • BOM: when matching parts, parts can be matched simply by Value (before, Package must be defined if Value was also defined for the app to come up with a part match or suggestions)
  • Generic parts: Unit Cost can now be defined for generic parts and used if the generic part doesn't have any Alternates yet. In other words, this Unit Cost works as a fallback value so you can price BOMs containing generic parts, even if these generic parts don't have their own Alternate parts yet.
  • [fix] Chance for picking an alternative part without selecting one, effectively picking some undesired part
  • [fix] Chance for database not to sync once a computer is back from sleep mode
  • [fix] Filters: search text saved when switching tabs

  • Projects can now be associated with a customer, meaning the project belongs to that customer
  • Storage locations, and so the inventory in it, can now have a customer associated with it (i.e. its owner). Inventory in storage locations restricted to a given customer can only be used in projects and sales orders that are associated with the same customer.
  • Improvements on parsing SI values, avoiding text that doesn't include an SI value to be incorrectly parsed
  • [fix] Barcode scanning: searching on own tables with vendor-barcodes
  • [fix] Project builds: items being reordered after replacing a part or changing assembly quantity
  • Other small UI/UX improvements

  • Multiple storage locations can now be selected. This enables the Move to... and Barcode label actions to be used for multiple storage locations at once.
  • When scanning a barcode, if nothing is found a notification popup is shown
  • [fix] Autocomplete popup showing up when editing a part
  • [fix] Chance for editable widget not hiding after saving or cancelling (e.g. when changing quantity on a purchase order item)
  • A few other small UI/UX improvements

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • Barcode scanning improved. Items can be looked up in currently visible tables (e.g. a part in a purchase list) and multiple items can be selected as barcodes keep being scanned. Parts can be created or inventory added to them by scanning barcodes.
  • Vendor-barcodes (e.g. Mouser, Digi-Key) are now supported. You can learn more about it in the Learn section.
  • Add to... context menu added to project build's table
  • API: history can now be searched through the /search endpoint
POST /search
"selector": {
"type": "history",
"history.refDoc.sid": "pa_N4Un4YfmtcAKTBRKuPFEun"
  • [fix] Barcodes: basic and minimal formats being exported with wrong margins
  • [fix] Custom quotes: wrong currency showing up in the Custom Quote dialog

  • Purchase orders can now be created manually (instead of being created only through purchase lists) and items can be freely added or removed from it. This might be useful when you want to manually create and track a PO on a single supplier, without having to rely on available quotes.
  • [fix] BOM: part matching not working correctly when using non-text custom fields as fields to match (BOM preferences)
  • [fix] BOM: view type (single/multi-level) selector not showing up
  • [fix] Sales: update sales order delivery date whenever sales order is marked as such
  • Few other minor UI/UX improvements

  • API: belongs_to field added to elements that belong to other elements in the app (e.g. project revisions belong to projects)
  • [fix] Parts: when manually creating a part, copy-pasting text and selecting an option from the autocomplete popup, the text was not being saved thus not allowing to manually create a new part
  • [fix] Unreserve inventory from the inventory table