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  • [fix] Part auto-complete not working when manually creating a part
  • [fix] Chance for initial inventory quantity to be set as text when manually creating a part
  • [fix] Project build not being highlighted after scanning barcode label

  • Parts: specs (in the Details tab) are now grouped by category
  • You can now include links in Markdown text (notes) that go-to things on the app. A few examples:
  [Link to Part](/goto:part.mpn:ATMEGA328-AU)
[Link to LOT946877843](/goto:lot.code:LOT946877843)
  • Table views are now synced in the TEAM plan (you might have to edit them for this to come into effect)
  • New shortcut to Adjust Inventory when the inventory table is displayed and one inventory item is selected: Alt+I (or Option+I on macOS)
  • Documents can now be edited through the context menu
  • Documents can now be saved into a folder anywhere in your file system (right-click - Save... - To folder)
  • [fix] Project build details not showing up when switching tabs
  • [fix] Only the first alternate part showing up on BOMs
  • [fix] Custom quotes not showing up for generic parts
  • [fix] Chance for reverting / marking as received a previously selected PO

  • Parts: when manually creating a new part, if initial inventory quantity is set to zero, the inventory is still created in the specified storage location (before, it would be ignored)
  • Storage: parts table include parts and inventory custom fields
  • Custom fields: sales orders and customers can be set as an App Element field
  • Custom fields: all field types except URL, number, price, date and SI value can be grouped-by by default on tables
  • Purchasing: Unit Price and Total Price columns available on open purchase orders
  • [fix] Export: ensure part numbers and other relevant fields aren't trimmed (text larger than the column's width) when exported into HTML or PDF
  • [fix] Import tree-structured data: node names including spaces not being parsed
  • [fix] Missing info when exporting project builds into HTML or PDF

  • Production tab: you can now see all project builds in a single tab, instead of having to go to each project individually
  • BOM and Project Build table now include some statistics at the bottom (see below)
  • Project builds: production cost is now displayed at the bottom of the table and a warning icon will show up if some of the items don't have a unit cost defined
  • Parts: Add Inventory shortcut added (Ctrl+I or Cmd+I), the Add Inventory dialog shows up for the currently selected part
  • Inventory table: double-clicking an item will open the Adjust Inventory dialog
  • Custom fields new type: URL
  • Documents can now be sourced through an URL (previously, only from the file system or workspace)
  • [fix] BOM import: data from fields that had to be manually mapped not being imported

  • [fix] Preferred currency falling back to EUR
  • [fix] Storage not being highlighted in the tree after scanning a barcode label
  • [fix] Storage Move to... parent node being selected instead of the just moved storage location

  • Parts: immediately validate Part Number, Manufacturer and Internal PN whenever the values change on the Part dialog (before, validation would occur only after pressing the save button)
  • Filters: focus on the Search input once filters become visible
  • Inventory: the inventory table (under Part details) now has Filters
  • Project builds: whenever marking items as assembled, you can now specify an assembled on date
  • Export: prices can now be exported as floating-point numbers (currency is omitted) - this is configurable through Settings > General > Export > Prices as floats
  • [fix] Storage: UI freezing after using the Move to... dialog
  • [fix] Purchase order: update part's stock whenever changing Order Qty on an ordered purchase order
  • [fix] API: GET /labels/<label_id> and POST /inventory/<inventory_id>/adjust_qty endpoints

  • Project details: from now on you can also add documents and notes to specific project revisions and build (before, only to the project itself) as well as generate a barcode label for project revisions and builds
  • Barcode labels can now be copied into the clipboard
  • Part details: other (custom) fields can now be displayed on the Parts details; the Show/hide specs link was renamed to +/- specs and to display additional fields a similar link, +/- fields, was added
  • [fix] Export barcode labels into PDF
  • [fix] Not being able to edit custom fields of project builds

  • When importing or creating new parts, check for part duplicates that aren't of type outsourced. While outsourced parts are considered unique given its Part Number + Manufacturer pair, other types are checked for uniqueness though its Part Number only (case-sensitive)
  • When importing parts, data for existing parts can be ignored
  • [fix] Error on exporting tables into CSV
  • [fix] Not being able to clear an option (custom fields)

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • Sales management: you can now keep track of sales orders and customers through the app. The workflow should feel familiar when compared to other elements of the app and with project builds in particular. Similarly to project builds, inventory must be first reserved on a sales order before it can be marked as delivered. When a sales order is fully delivered, stock is automatically removed from your inventory. Parts can now be marked as for sale and a fixed selling price can be defined. You can also create sales-only suppliers to define price breaks for those parts. Quotes listed under sales-only suppliers are available only in sales orders
  • Other costs: you can define other costs in sales orders (e.g. shipping, one-time fees, etc)
  • Sales-only suppliers: you can now define custom quotes under custom suppliers that are used only on sales-orders
  • Parts: Stock Reserved column added
  • Manufacturer PN has been replaced by Part Number: this is to avoid confusion as this same field is used to define the part number of in-house, generic and asset parts, which might not have a manufacturer (or rather, there's need to specify one)
  • Filters: data can now be filtered by issue type (error, warning, info or none) - whenever available
  • Importing CSV files: the CSV file can now be reloaded or replaced by another one when importing data
  • [fix] Scroll to item whenever "going to" it
  • [fix] Filters: boolean fields not working