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  • Project BOM: the same part can now be assigned to multiple items in the same BOM. This affects how a given part's availability is calculated (see below)
  • Project Builds: Assemble Qty on planned items can now be changed and reset to original one. Once the item has been assembled or inventory is reserved, Assemble Qty cannot be changed anymore
  • When Enforce quote selection is enabled (Settings > Workspace), items on a Purchase List without a quote will result in an error instead of a warning
  • History events added: inventory reserved, inventory unreserved and inventory consumed
  • History log events are now coloured for easier visual identification
  • Double clicking on most tables will trigger the Edit action (if available)
  • [fix] Project Builds: prevent inventory to be decremented twice when assembling items from reserved inventory
  • [fix] Project BOM: allow using - on BOM reference designators when not using it as a range (e.g C1-9)
  • [fix] Don't generate history log when adjusting inventory with zero quantity
  • [fix] Create Purchase Order when Enforce quote selection is disabled

Assigning the Same Part To Multiple BOM Items

Previously, a single part could be assigned to a single BOM item only. This is not convenient, specially if later on a project build one part is replaced by an alternate one which happens to be already assigned to another item. Being able to use the same part in multiple BOM items is then essential.

This affects how availability is calculated though. Taking the example below:

In total we need 900 units but we only have 509 on-hand, so only the first item, that requires 300, can be assembled (or inventory can be reserved for). Items that have availability only partially cannot be assembled nor inventory can be reserved for.

Changing Quantities on a Project Build

You can now change the Assembly Qty on items that don't have any Sources defined yet (whether because inventory has been reserved or because those items have been assembled already). Once changed, the quantity can also be reset to its original value.

More (and Colourful) History Events

When looking through the History table of a part, it could be hard to interpret some apparent "gaps" on inventory. This is because when inventory is reserved it's no longer on-hand, but reserving/unreserving inventory hasn't been logged in history. So, on the next inventory changed event you'd see an initial quantity that wouldn't match the quantity on the previous inventory changed event for that same storage location.

For this reason, there are now 3 additional events: inventory reserved, inventory unreserved and inventory consumed. While the first two directly affect your on-hand inventory by decreasing and increasing it, respectively, the last one as no effect but allows us to see that inventory previously reserved was at some point consumed (i.e. assembled in a project build).

On top of this additional information, events are now also coloured so they can be visually identified more easily.

Also, the inventory moved history log now includes the original and current quantities on each location.

  • Import parts: Low Stock value can be imported
  • When creating/editing a project revision the dialog shows faster
  • [fix] Export history table

  • Several UI improvements and optimizations affecting overall performance
  • Prefetch project builds so they can be displayed immediately
  • [fix] Storage locations tree: context menu not showing up when right-clicking not on a node

  • Attrition rate can be set for Generic Parts
  • Settings > Workspace: enable/disable unique internal PNs
  • Projects: tags in the Production column are displayed vertically
  • [fix] Purchase List table crashing on a locked PL (Cell not returning anything)

  • Set default Part's datasheet and thumbnail through Documents
  • Move several inventory items individually from a storage location to another ones
  • When manually creating a new part, check for similar parts (e.g. same Manufacturer PN but different Manufacturer) before proceeding so the user can confirm it's not a duplicate
  • A lot can now be created when importing a purchase order in the received state
  • BOM: filter out items that have nothing to match when suggesting parts
  • [fix] Create inventory on-order when an purchase order is imported on ordered state
  • [fix] Sort by on Stock, Stock On-order, Stock On-hand, and Value (only in BOMs) fields
  • Several small UI improvements

Thumbnails and Datasheets

By default BOMIST uses thumbnails and a default datasheet from data it gets through Octopart. From now on, you can also override or set those through Documents added to a Part.

Organizing Unallocated Inventory

For several reasons you might end up with unallocated inventory (i.e. inventory without a storage location assigned). Through the table on Storage > Parts, you could select multiple inventory items and move them in bulk to another single location. However, it might be also useful to individually pick a location for each one of the selected inventories. This way you can tell where you want each of these items to be moved to, whether to a storage location where it already exists or to a new one.

Avoiding Part Duplicates

BOMIST checks for parts equality through their own Manufacturer PN and Manufacturer. However, sometimes the Manufacturer name can have some variants (e.g. "Analog Devices", or "Analog Devices Inc."). For this reason, whenever manually adding Parts, the app will check for similar parts (i.e. parts with the same part number but different manufacturer) and, in case it finds some, it will ask you to confirm if you still want to add it, thus preventing a duplicate.

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • [new feature] Generic parts
  • Alternate parts: order can be set from highest to lowest priority
  • Purchase orders: ordered/received on can now be edited
  • Stock in-house renamed to on-hand
  • Stock columns: in several tables you now have three columns for displaying stock quantities (Stock - for combined on-order and on-hand, Stock On-hand and Stock On-order)
  • Part details: indication of how many documents and if notes are present is now displayed on the tabs
  • Projects table: Part column link removed, use popover instead
  • Delete shortcut removed
  • [fix] Barcode scanning when caps-lock is active
  • [fix] API not starting

Generic Parts

You can now create and use generic parts.

A generic part is not a physical part but it represents, or groups, parts that can be used interchangeably - this is specially useful for resistors and capacitors for which you might not be concerned about their manufacturer as long as they have the same or equivalent specs.

They can also be used to postpone the decision of which part to use. For example, you might assign a generic part to a BOM item but decide which real part to use later on during production.

The parts that can be used in place of a generic part are listed through Part Alternates.

In project builds, when picking inventory to reserve/assemble, the Sources column will display which parts were used:

  • Inventory value report restricted to given storage locations
  • Part dialog: when using the auto-completer, omit the Ω character from the value (if present)
  • BOM: DNP items have a striped background for easier visual identification
  • BOM: table content aligned to top
  • BOM: ignore parts already assigned when suggesting new ones to assign
  • BOM: when marking an item as DNP, part is automatically unassigned
  • [fix] Export BOM into PDF

Inventory Value Report Restrictions

The inventory value report can now be generated for specific storage locations. Similarly to inventory restrictions on Projects, the inventory to be included in the inventory value report can also be restricted.

  • [fix] Assigning a Part when the BOM item's value has no unit (e.g. 10k)
  • [fix] macOS-only Shortcuts use key instead of Ctrl

  • Part info: whenever hovering a Manufacturer PN on every table (except the main one) show additional info about that part
  • BOM: double-click row to assign part
  • BOM: confirmation dialog when assigning a part with a different value or package
  • Purchase Lists: Multiple field deprecated (a new PL should be created whenever necessary)
  • [fix] Purchase Orders: sorting/grouping by Supplier
  • [fix] Purchase Lists: show multiple issues for the same row
  • [fix] Inventory restrictions

Part Details Everywhere

To avoid going back and forth in between different tabs, you can now see additional info about a part and to easily access its datasheet simply by hovering its Manufacturer PN. As with every tooltip, wait around a second while hovering the field until the tooltip finally shows up.

  • Inventory restrictions: you can now allow/disallow unallocated inventory and to set storage locations as inclusive or exclusive
  • [fix] CSV export (empty values being filtered out)

Unallocated Inventory and Inclusive/Exclusive Restrictions

Through the Inventory Restrictions menu you can now also allow or disallow unallocated inventory to be used and also to set storage locations restrictions as inclusive or exclusive. Inclusive restrictions meaning you can only pick inventory from selected storage locations and exclusive meaning you can pick inventory from all storage locations except from the selected ones.