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  • [new feature] Inventory restrictions
  • Inventory sorting when selecting inventory sources (to reserve/assemble)
  • Update unit cost of in-house part when a project build is finished
  • Automatic backups notifications
  • [fix] Filter out expired lots when selecting inventory sources
  • Other small fixes and UI improvements

Inventory Restrictions

You can now define inventory restrictions. This allows you to tell that for a given project you are only allowed to source inventory from selected storage locations or that only inventory that as a Lot assigned can be used. This setting applies to the whole Project. Errors and warnings reflecting "insufficient inventory" will take these restrictions into consideration. Also, on project builds, inventory that has been previously assigned (reserved or picked for assembly) without inventory restrictions will ignore them (i.e. you won't get any errors or warnings for those).

This feature is available on professional plans.

Default Sorting when Picking Inventory

When selecting inventory sources on a project build (to reserve or assemble), you can now set a default sorting order. This setting applies to the whole workspace. There are 5 sorting options available:

  • Smallest Quantity: inventory with the smallest quantity shows up first
  • Largest Quantity: inventory with the largest quantity shows up first
  • FIFO: inventory created first shows up first
  • LIFO: inventory created most recently shows up first
  • Recently Used: most recently used (created/updated) inventory shows up first

  • New part type: Assets
  • [fix] Export BOM table into CSV (invalid column's data)
  • [fix] TEAM Show sync spinner also for pushed changes

New Part Type: Assets

This goes a bit beyond the scope of the app, but it wouldn't make sense to use another software to keep track of assets that aren't necessarily electronic parts or items for which you don't necessarily want to assign a Manufacturer PN and Manufacturer pair. For this reason you can now create Asset parts. These can be keyboards, chairs or whatever items it might make sense for your use-case.

Something worth mentioning is the current lack of Units of Measure, which would be useful for Assets too. This way you could keep track of fractional quantities such as length (for cables) or volume (for liquids), for example. This will be implemented later on.

  • Available quotes: show all quotes (ignore MOQ and availability)
  • Set alternate/equivalent parts through similar parts
  • BOM designators can now have different prefixes
  • Enabling/disabling attrition rate from Purchase Lists removed
  • [fix] Allow to edit name of in-house Part
  • [fix] Supply chain: prevent caching empty or invalid results (e.g. quotes)
  • [fix] Revert inventory with lot
  • [fix] macOS-only Select all rows in a table using ⌘+A

Showing All Available Quotes

Until now, the Available Quotes would filter out all invalid quotes. A quote would be considered invalid if the minimum order quantity would be greater that the order quantity or if the supplier didn't have enough stock (i.e. no availability). From now on, and depending on the case, the MOQ and availability can be ignored so those quotes are still shown and might be selected.

When using the Projects > Pricing & Availability to estimate the production costs of a project, both MOQ and availability are ignored and all quotes can be selected. This makes it easier to ensure all items in a BOM have a quote assigned so an estimate of production costs (even if a rough one) can be calculated.

On the other hand, when viewing a Purchase List, quotes with insufficient stock (i.e. available stock on supplier is lower than order quantity) will still be filtered out but the ones with MOQ, even if invalid, are shown. Also, even though you can see quotes with MOQ greater than the order quantity, in order to create a Purchase Order all selected quotes must be valid. This means in order to create a PO you might have to increase the order quantity so it meets the MOQ. Invalid quotes can be easily identified by their dark grey background (instead of purple).

Alternate and Equivalent Parts

From now one you can define Equivalent parts. Two parts are considered equivalent when both are alternates of each other. An alternate part is not necessarily equivalent to another one (e.g. a "100nF 20V 0603" capacitor might be used in place of a "100nF 6.3V 0603" one, but not the other way around).

An info column was also added to the Alternate and Similar Parts tables so additional info about each part can be easily accessed making it easier to decide which parts should be considered as alternates and/or equivalent.

  • New custom field type: SI value
  • [fix] BOM Part Matching: show suggestions when value and package are defined even though additional data is not available
  • [fix] Inventory sources picker: filter out sources with qty = 0
  • [fix] Suppliers: add offer
  • [fix] Barcode settings: set default printer name on combo-box
  • [fix] macOS-only Don't maximize window when activating the app through the dock
  • [fix] Crash "cannot read prefix of undefined"

Values with SI Prefixes

You can now create custom fields (through Settings > Workspace > Part custom fields) representing SI values (i.e. values that have a SI prefix). Why is this important? Let's say you want to create a new field called "Rated Voltage" where you'd use values represented in Volts. If you'd use a custom field of type String you'd lose searching capabilities as a string can contain any kind of text. With an SI Value the app will parse the values and is then able to tell that 200mV are the same as 0.2V.

  • Editable prices use 6 decimal cases (not only on Part dialog)
  • Comments added to Lots
  • [fix] API: not starting
  • [fix] Lots table exported data
  • [fix] Select project after creation

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • [new feature] Lot control
  • Reserve and assemble items from multiple inventory sources
  • Unit cost for a Part can be entered with up to 6 decimal places when editing or creating a Part to ensure accuracy
  • Exporting tables: printable data (e.g. PDF) might be rendered differently than original data
  • History logs: links added to some references
  • [fix] CSV import: clear column mapping
  • [fix] Parts import: import part stock only if mapped
  • [fix] Sort by storage names

Lot Control

This new feature brings increased traceability to BOMIST. With it you can assign a lot to items you receive from a Purchase Order or to inventory resulting from Project Builds. This way, whenever you use inventory belonging to a lot you can track its origin.

Multiple Inventory Sources

You can now pick multiple inventory sources when reserving inventory or assembling items on a project build. This way, if you need 100 units but you have 50 in one storage location and 60 in another one, you could use specify both locations in the desired order. You can easily reorder selected inventory sources by drag and drop them.

When assembling items, if inventory was previously reserved you'll have to use that one. In case you'd want to use other inventory sources you'll have to unreserve inventory and then reserve/assemble the items.

Reserving inventory is particularly useful to generate pick lists (e.g. by exporting the table into PDF), so you know where to get inventory from, and to prevent other project builds or manual inventory adjustments from using stock that is meant to be used in a specific project build.

  • Projects: active builds
  • Storage: filters added
  • Add parts to purchase lists directly from tables available on Parts, Storage and Suppliers tabs
  • List purchase orders originated from a given purchase list
  • Several small UI improvements

Projects: Active Builds

So far, to see active project builds (i.e. planned or in-progress) you'd have to click through a given project and its own revisions. You can now have an overview of active project builds through the main Projects table. The tags under the Production column will tell you how many builds you have in each state, and by hovering these tags you'll see the corresponding project build codes which you can click to immediately look them up.

Storage: Filtering Inventory

You can now filter inventory in the Storage tab, pretty much the same way you filter parts in the Parts tab. An important difference here is that on top of being able to filter by global stock of a given part, you can also filter by its quantity on a given storage location, for example.

Adding Parts to a Purchase List

Previously, items on a purchase list could be added either manually, through the purchase list itself, or by creating a purchase list through Projects > Pricing & Availability. You can now add parts to purchase lists directly from tables available on the Parts, Storage and Suppliers tab. This is useful because sometimes these tables give you the right view over your inventory from which you'll decide whether to purchase or not these parts. This way, you can for example filter inventory in a specific storage location in the Storage tab and select the parts that don't have any stock or have low stock to be purchased.

Listing Purchase Orders from a Purchase List

A single purchase list can originate several purchase orders. That's the case when you order parts from several Suppliers. You can now track those purchase orders through the purchase list itself. This list shows you all purchase orders in which the selected purchase list is being referenced on.

  • BOM import: allow to import entries without designators
  • BOM part matching improved (suggestions and data editing)
  • Project > Pricing & Availability: calculate production cost
  • Reserved inventory is now coloured in blue
  • Workspace settings: enforce quote selection and only use preferred suppliers is now checked by default
  • Table rows numbering (used in Project tables) - Item # column removed
  • Part details: show Usage for in-house Parts (previously only on outsourced Parts)
  • Purchasing: data can now be grouped by Supplier
  • [fix] Sorting parts by value
  • [fix] Attrition quantity formula
  • [fix] Table header scrollbar padding (failed to detect scrolling)
  • [fix] Table minimum width when visible columns change
  • [fix] Issues table jumping selection
  • [fix] Copy cell
  • Several other small fixes and UI improvements

BOMs: Part Matching

When importing a BOM along with additional data so Parts can be matched, you'll get a warning when no parts were matched and suggestions of parts to be assigned if more than one were matched.

You can also double check the data used for parts data matching and even edit it.

Purchasing and Production Cost

Previously, the estimated cost presented on the Projects > Pricing & Availability table considered only the Purchasing costs. This way, if purchasing criteria was set to if needed, the estimated cost would represent only the units that needed to be purchased which makes it hard to estimate the overall production cost.

From now on, the production cost is calculated taking into account each part's Unit Cost, in case those parts don't need to be purchased (i.e. they exist in your inventory already) or the price of the selected Quote, and corresponding quantities. When looking up the Unit Cost, if it's not available, the Order Price will be used instead if available, and vice-versa. The production cost is the sum of the purchasing cost and your inventory cost (the Unit Cost of each part available in your inventory multiplied by the required quantity)

  • Purchase orders: receive items partially.
  • Project builds: Combo-boxes in Receive and Assemble dialogs fill in one option by default. Options are also sorted by last time used (most recent to oldest). Rendering improved.
  • Tables: grouping improved.
  • API: validate hostname and notify errors.
  • [fix] Printing (Windows only)

Backordered Items on Purchase Orders

You can now partially mark items as received on a purchase order. This is useful for backordered items, when let's say you order 5000 units but only 2500 are initially available to be shipped. When receiving items, if quantity is not passed the whole quantity is assumed to be received. To mark an item as partially received, enter the quantity received. To set a partial quantity, items must be received individually (i.e. Storage method should be set to Individual instead of Single location).

Aggregated Data on Grouped Fields

When aggregating data on rows with grouped fields, the app attempts to display a unique value by default but if that's not possible an asterisk will be displayed instead. This doesn't apply to fields that have their own aggregation formula (e.g. sum, average), such as is the case of prices and quantities.