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  • Inventory Sources are now sorted by part's number
  • Pricing & Availability table: exported PDF now includes total estimated cost
  • BOM entry dialog: parts that can be assigned are now displayed both with Part Number and Internal PN (if available) for easier reference
  • [fix] Not able to move obsolete inventory
  • [fix] Chance for PO exported into PDF to have the total cost zeroed
  • [fix] Stock Missing shouldn't be rendered for nested BOMs in multi-level BOMs
  • [fix] Some global history logs not being listed when the table is truncated (at 5000 rows)

  • When manually creating a part, if internal part numbers generator is enabled it can be disabled so you can manually enter an internal part number
  • [fix] Unable to import purchase order for custom supplier
  • [fix] Chance for storage locations import to fail. Importer through right-click not using the custom handler using .txt files.
  • [fix] Stock columns not showing on Products table
  • CSV importer now automatically skips empty lines
  • Calendar: when going-to an item the calendar modal now closes
  • Series: prefix cannot be changed once the series has been created
  • Barcodes: when the Preferred PN setting is set to Internal PN, inventory labels will still display the Part Number below the Internal PN
  • Some performance improvements especially in the BOM table
  • [fix] API: Remove if empty setting not being respected
  • [fix] Fixed an issue with Series which would prevent the counter to be reset
  • [fix] Unable to split an item without Designators on a production build
  • [fix] Chance for the default value in quantity inputs not to be accepted in forms
  • BOM: the Replace part... action can now affect multiple rows at once
  • [fix] Part Usage: when replacing a part, in case the current part is listed more than once in a single BOM, only the first occurrence would be replaced
  • [fix] Chance for rows in a BOM not to be rendered
  • Some performance improvements on rendering editable fields
This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • New feature: Internal Part Number generator. Internal part numbers can now be automatically generated. The part number consists of a simple counter: every time a new part number is generated, the counter is incremented. You can also define multiple Series. Each Series keeps its own counter and add a prefix to the generated part number. If enabled, internal part numbers are generated whenever manually creating parts, bulk importing parts, or creating parts through the API.

  • New feature: Obsolete Inventory. You can now change the status of available inventory, from available to obsolete (and vice-versa). The status can be changed by simply editing selected inventory (right-click and Edit inventory...). Obsolete inventory is inventory that's no longer usable or but which you still want to keep track of. Obsolete inventory is ignored for all purposes other than tracking it and for calculating a part's Worth.

  • Defining depth when importing tree-structured data (e.g. Storage and Labels): a setting was added under Settings - General - Import which allows to define a character that should be used to denote depth. This way you can have names that include a dash -, the character previously used (and still used by default) to denote depth in tree-structured data.
  • When adding parts and quantities into a purchase order from a purchase list, the unit of measure used in the purchase order will match the one from the selected quote. For example: if a purchase list indicates 150 screws to be purchased and you selected a quote with pricing for a "Box-of-100", you'd need to buy 2 "Box-of-100", being that quantity and unit of measure the ones to be listed in the purchase order.
  • When splitting items with Designators on a production build, the designators can now be edited both on the source and destination so they are also correctly split.
  • Unit cost on generic parts is now the weighted average of all its alternates by taking into account their stock on-hand. Before, the unit cost of a generic part was the simple average of the unit cost of its alternates.
  • A pick-list can now be generated from a production build by right-clicking on the table and select Pick List.... This list is grouped by storage location, so you can more conveniently check all the parts and quantities that need to be picked for each storage location
  • Custom fields of type Option can now be displayed on the calendar (for the data types that support the calendar)
  • New setting Custom are preferred added under Settings - Quotes: when enabled, all custom suppliers are considered preferred so they don't have to be listed under the preferred suppliers setting
  • "Remove if empty" setting under Settings - Parts - Inventory: inventory is automatically removed only if it's not associated with a Lot
  • API: labels can now be created, updated and deleted
  • Part Usage: the Rev for the part being used is displayed on the table as Rev (Part) whereas the Rev (Product) refers to the revision of the product/BOM the part is being used on
  • Part Usage: context-menu Replace part... added, so the part being used on selected BOMs can be replaced with some other part
  • Initial setup time reduced at the expense of having some tables taking a bit longer to load the first time they are rendered.

  • [fix] Chance for Label filter not to find any results
  • [fix] Chance for ordered inventory not to be listed when reverting a previously split and received item on a purchase order and receiving it again
  • [fix] Splitting of items with Qty = 1 should be disabled

  • Workspace can now be exported without history by defining the environment variable BOMIST_DUMP_EXCLUDE_HISTORY before starting the app or through the API by passing the excludeHistory: true option.
  • [fix] Chance of displaying duplicated alternates (in the Parts > Alternates table)
  • [fix] Labels are now alphabetically sorted on the table (at Settings > Parts > Labels)

  • Part Number and Manufacturer are now optional when importing custom quotes
  • [fix] Chance for quotes without MOQ to being incorrectly pushed to the end of the list of available quotes
  • [fix] Chance for wrong stock missing warning production build for a consumable where unit of measure is different than its reference unit
  • [fix] Prevent moving inventory to itself (i.e. to the same location)

  • Inventory value report includes row numbers
  • [fix] Unable to remove table views
  • [fix] Unable to drag the scroll bar when the collapse button is on top of it
  • [fix] Chance for barcode scanning not to work. The timeout setting was being enforced to its minimum value of 1ms which would be too short for the app to be able to parse the incoming scanned text. The minimum timeout is now 50ms.

  • The Qty field in the storage parts table can now be filtered by Low stock and warning icons are displayed for low stock at out-of-stock (at the location)
  • BOM entries now allow designators to be defined for non-Unit quantities. In this case, the Designators don't override the Qty field.
  • [fix] Chance for crash when editing quantity for a consumable with a minimum quantity defined on a purchase list
  • [fix] Chance for Available Quotes to crash/not load when using the DigiKey API (third-party API)
  • [fix] Purchase item getting hidden whenever a quote from Element14 API (third-party API) is selected. Hidden items will now be visible but the quote will have to be selected again.
  • [fix] Small UI improvements