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This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • [new feature] Inventory value report
  • Parts new fields: Unit Cost, On-hand (in-house stock), Worth
  • Import purchase orders from custom suppliers
  • Storage tab performance improvements
  • Man. Part Number, Int. Part Number and Supplier Part Number renamed to Manufacturer PN, Internal PN and Supplier PN
  • Parts filters: Internal PN added
  • Parts filters: Manufacturer PN added back to fuzzy-search (still has its own "exact match" search filter)
  • [fix] Chance of intermittent read-only mode in team workspaces
  • [fix] Part finder: filter parts
  • [fix] Ensure workspace has a name upon its creation

Inventory Value Report

You can now easily check how much is your inventory worth. This is accomplished through a new field in Parts: Unit Cost. This value can be manually set or imported along with new Parts. But the best thing is that it's also automatically updated whenever you use Purchasing, so whenever a Purchase Order is received, or imported, the unit cost for each part will be updated.

The inventory value report can be exported into CSV, PDF or HTML and is available on professional plans.

  • Barcode labels now include the Internal Part Number
  • Storage descriptions show on the Storage tree
  • Custom barcodes can be generated through the API
  • Part search filters: Man. Part Number doesn't use fuzzy search
  • [fix] Import parts without storage assigned: not listed as unallocated
  • [fix] Table columns re-ordering (drag and drop)
  • [fix] Custom fields: respect fuzzy search option
  • [fix] Extra re-render after workspace initialization
  • [fix] API: swagger documentation

  • BOM preferences: set fields part data should be matched to when importing a BOM
  • BOM export: revision is set on PDF
  • Barcodes include a line feed to avoid additional barcode scanner configuration
  • [fix] Import purchase order: purchase orders are set as "received"
  • [fix] Storage: tree node is updated after editing storage
  • [fix] Unselect project build when current project revision changes
  • [fix] Barcode reader buffer flush timeout increased
  • [fix] Project revision finder dialog

Import BOM: Part Fields to Match

When importing a BOM, parts would be automatically assigned to each BOM entry if a part on your workspace would match the Man. Part Number and Manufacturer or simply the Man. Part Number. From now on, you can set which fields should be matched. Custom fields can be leveraged to match parts to a custom ID for example or any other value you might find useful. Multiple matching fields can be set.

If more than a part is found for a given match, the part won't be automatically assigned.

  • [fix] Printing issues (file not found), open printer preferences (windows-only)
  • [fix] Error dialog at startup

  • Date and time format can now be set (Settings > General)
  • "Created/updated on" columns added to parts, inventory and documents tables
  • [fix] Import purchase orders: fetching the wrong parts when the Supplier Part Name contains dots
  • [fix] Multiple row selection when Issues table is open

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • [new feature] Barcode labels printing and scanning (learn more)
  • Comments added to history logs
  • Preferences dialog added to BOM table
  • Unallocated storage added to the tree in the Storage tab
  • Settings: use preferred suppliers only
  • Import purchase order: Storage can be included in the CSV to import
  • Add inventory: can add into existing storage locations (quantity will be adjusted)
  • Inventory table: "change storage" button removed as the "move quantity" button does essentially the same
  • [fix] Available quotes: filter out quotes with stock < order qty
  • [fix] Alphanumeric sorting for Label and Storage columns
  • [fix] Projects > Pricing & Availability: order qty updated according to batch size
  • [fix] Import purchase orders: wrong column mapping when using pre-defined CSV parser
  • [fix] Prevent race conditions on the database

  • Storage ComboBox (e.g. change inventory location) is now sorted and performance was improved
  • [fix] filter part by value with Ohm unit
  • [fix] Part dialog, ensure inventory location ComboBox is visible

  • Filtering parts by value improved (learn more)
  • [fix] reset page index when new data is set on table
  • [fix] table resizers over tab selection's ComboBox (UI-only)

  • [fix] import Parts with storage field empty
  • Notification error when trying to access a local workspace that's already being used, avoiding data conflicts in case the workspace is in a shared folder (e.g. Dropbox)

  • API: /inventory/<id> endpoint added
  • API: source included on project build items
  • [fix] reserved inventory source shows up on the Project Builds table (after restarting the app)