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  • BOMs: you can now use designator ranges (e.g. C1-3 instead of C1, C2, C3)
  • CSV importer: you can now pick the rows to import (or to ignore)
  • CSV importer: ignore empty rows
  • PDF export: include company logo (can be set through Account; by default uses BOMIST's logo)
  • PDF export: barcode is included in some tables (project builds, purchase orders/lists, storage parts)
  • Purchase order/list number and description can now be edited
  • Part's Manufacturer and Type can now be grouped
  • Go-to BOM entry after manually adding one
  • Including IDs on exported CSV/JSON files is now optional
  • [fix] PDF export: sorting order and grouping, break page after row
  • [fix] Prefix column on project's build table
  • [fix] Printing: printer name with whitespaces (Windows only)
  • [fix] ComboBox: prevent overflow (ensure it's visible on the screen)
  • [fix] Move inventory (MAKER plan only)

  • BOM designators are now optional. When designators aren't set quantity can be manually edited.
  • Item # column added to BOMs
  • Part dialog: autocomplete of Manufacturer PN can be disabled/enabled
  • Unit Price is now displayed with 3 decimal places
  • Locale can be set through Settings > General (affects how prices are displayed)
  • Prices are exported containing currency
  • Suppliers can now be imported along with their own parts and price breaks
  • [fix] Insufficient stock warnings
  • [fix] Sorting of prices

  • API: new endpoint /storage/<id>/inventory
  • API: IDs can now be used on the search endpoint (selector)
  • Stock (in-house and on-order inventory) and On-hand columns added to project tables
  • Exported CSV and JSON files include the ID of each row
  • Press and holding up/down arrow keys keeps scrolling
  • Part details: display label
  • [fix] Quotes with MOQ > 1 not showing up on Available Quotes
  • [fix] Adjust inventory when quantity surpass plan's limit (FREE plan only)

  • Unit cost can now be updated when manually adjusting inventory (previously only through Purchasing)
  • Print orientation (landscape/portrait) added
  • UI: accordions with animation and expanded state is preserved
  • [fix] Prevent moving a storage location to itself
  • [fix] Clearable combo boxes
  • [fix] Assembling items when some items without inventory were selected too

  • Setting up workspace at start-up optimized so it runs faster
  • [fix] Purchase orders: receive items with the same Manufacturer PN and Manufacturer but with different Supplier PN
  • [fix] Project builds: when assembling items with reserved inventory, set default inventory on the ComboBox
  • [fix] Go-to and scroll to table row
  • [fix] Memory leak related with prices displayed on tables making the app slower

  • [fix] Parts filters: Value filter missing
  • [fix] Parts: set storage location when creating a new part
  • [fix] Price columns with paywall tag on professional plans

  • Parts: Label column can now be grouped
  • Import parts: allow to import data of existing parts so data can be overwritten in bulk
  • Import purchase orders: status (open, ordered or received) can now be defined when importing purchase orders
  • [fix] Some rows missing when grouping some columns
  • [fix] Aggregated data on some grouped columns

Grouping by Label

  • BOM copy
  • Parts group edit: package, value, NRFND and non-stocking fields added
  • Export table to PDF improved
  • Merge purchase orders: only purchase orders in the Open state can be merged
  • Merged purchase orders: group by Supplier PN and see aggregated data
  • [fix] CSV and JSON table export: arrays and internal ids

Copying BOMs

You can now copy a project revision's BOM from another project revisions's BOM. This is especially useful for models/variants: different projects that have a very similar BOM, ofen the difference being on the parts that are (not) to be populated (DNP).

Merged Purchase Orders: Aggregated Data

A purchase order always keeps track of purchase lists that originated them. When merging two purchase orders, the resulting purchase order might contain duplicate parts, each one coming from a different purchase list. By grouping the table by Supplier PN you get to see not only the rows corresponding to each purchase list but also the aggregated value on top. If, for example, you want to export into a CSV file only the aggregated values, you simply collapse the grouped row.

To merge purchase orders, they have to have the same supplier and to be in the Open state.

  • Import parts with inventory in multiple storage locations
  • Add Inventory: allow to add inventory even if quantity = 0 (but the Storage location is set)
  • Auto-assign quotes now works with selected items (instead of all items in the table)
  • Auto-assign quotes and Unassign quotes now have its own button
  • Small UI fixes and improvements
  • [fix] Custom quotes not found