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  • Collapsible tables
  • Adjustable tables/trees font size
  • [fix] hidden rows when grouped columns get hidden
  • [fix] scroll row into view when selecting adjacent rows through keyboard arrow keys

Collapsible tables

To make sure the most important table get the most space on the screen, some tables can now be collapsed.

Adjustable font size

You can now adjust the font size used in tables and trees through Settings > General.

  • Table sorting: numbers come before letters (ascending)
  • Parts table: storage column
  • Go-to links for storage locations
  • [fix] data importer column index starts from 0
  • Small UI improvements

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.
  • Local REST API
  • Several small fixes and UI improvements


BOMIST can now launch a local web server that exposes a REST API. Through this API you can then retrieve and process your data the way you want by creating your own scripts. This feature is available on all plans.

Once the server is running, you can test it by simply opening your web browser at http://localhost:3333 (or on any other hostname and port you started the server at).

Documentation is provided at http://localhost:3333/_swagger.

Endpoints to retrieve data and to interact with the UI are available.

This is a minor release. Minor releases introduce new features but no backward compatibility issues. Below are some of the highlights. For a more extensive listing of all the changes you can refer to the beta changelog.

This is a major version update and, as the app was re-written from scratch, it brings a lot of UI and UX improvements. Legacy app will no longer be distributed nor supported.

  • cross-platform: now available on windows, macOS and linux
  • multi-user support and data sync over the web (TEAM plan)
  • outsourced and in-house parts (sub-assemblies)
  • inventory table
  • multi-step project builds
  • similar parts and part alternates
  • purchasing lists and orders
  • markdown text notes
  • custom suppliers and quotes
  • multi-level storage locations
  • multiple preferred suppliers
  • tables exportable into CSV, JSON, HTML and PDF

For more info about each feature please visit the Learn section.

Legacy workspaces are not compatible with the new version but can be partially converted using this tool: If you need help converting your workspace, please get in touch