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  • Several improvements on tables performance
  • Supplier PN is now required when importing custom quotes
  • [fix] Row on main table sometimes not being highlighted whenever clicking on an issue it refers to
  • [fix] Remove duplicates when listing all available supplier names

  • When receiving items on a PO, storage location is remembered (if storage method is set to global)
  • Storage tree: current selection is cleared whenever clicking somewhere outside the tree (but still in the tree widget) - the only way to clear selection so far would be through right-click > Clear selection
  • [fix] Filters: filter being cleared whenever searching for parts in the Find Parts dialog
  • [fix] API: OpenAPI/SwaggerUI path parameters added
  • [fix] API: endpoint /storage/(storage_id)/inventory always returning an empty array
  • [fix] Export tables containing due-date Date fields
  • [fix] Row numbers in the part match suggestions table

  • Project build's code can now be set whenever creating a new build, and can also be edited alongside its custom fields.
  • [fix] Chance of infinite loop whenever Filters would come up as visible (e.g. manually assigning a part in a BOM)
  • [fix] Unable to resize some tables columns (e.g. documents table)
  • [fix] Popovers showing up on top of dialogs when they should instead disappear

  • Improvements on auto-assigning quotes. The lowest price quotes are now picked by default. If the price is the same among different suppliers, the quote from the most preferred supplier is picked. Previous behaviour (picking the lowest price quote from the most preferred supplier, if available) can still be enabled by unchecking the Settings > Workspace > Lowest price quotes. The criteria to pick the best quote also changed: it will first try to pick a quote that has stock available on the supplier, then proceeding to the ones without enough stock but where target quantity is within MOQ, and at last falling back to the cheapest quote (if) available. This kind of sorting can be verified through the Available Quotes widget.
  • Part info popup can now be expanded so you can see Inventory, Supply Chain, Documents, etc for that part
  • Part alternates listed on tables can also be hovered in order for the part info popup to show up
  • Purchase Lists: rows with assigned quotes are now highlighted to make it easier to distinguish them from the ones without one
  • [fix] Assigning quotes: quote being removed just after being set
  • [fix] Shortcuts: zoom-in (Ctrl-+) on US keyboard layouts
  • [fix] Issues: reference to row numbers
  • Several other small UI/UX improvements

  • Filters on pretty much all the tables on the app (i.e, where they matter)
  • Filters can now be filtered themselves, so you don't have to look for the exact one you want to use
  • Parts table: display attrition even when set to zero
  • Parts: when importing Tolerance the value is now cleaned so it can include other characters besides the number and still be correctly parsed into a number
  • Purchasing: Add to... context menu added to PLs and POs. This can be useful to "duplicate" PLs, by adding parts from another list into a new one.
  • [fix] Tables: jumping scroll
  • [fix] Lot: barcode labels wrong expiry date (set as current date)
  • [fix] API: export barcode label (custom data)
  • [fix] Purchase orders: save custom fields when importing a PO
  • linux-only [fix] Unable to open workspace
  • Several other small UI/UX improvements

  • Table views. Tables can have a lot of columns. You can even add your own through custom fields. This might result in too much data on the screen and you might end up toggling which columns you want to set as visible quite often. Table views allow you to save the current table configuration so you can easily switch between them. A table view contains info about visible columns, columns order, columns width, sort by and group by settings and also filters. Views that include filters will have an icon next to it indicating so.
  • Parts: Low stock filter added to part Filters, under the Stock field. This lists both out-of-stock and low-stock items. Non-stocking parts are ignored.
  • Custom fields: you can now add custom fields that point to some element in the app
  • Projects: the Sources column is now exported into human-readable text (instead of text representing JSON data)
  • [fix] API: IDs passed when updating data (PUT endpoints) are now correctly set
  • [fix] Update BOM pricing whenever custom quotes (price breaks) are updated
  • [fix] Editing actions on grouped rows are now disabled
  • [fix] Reorder columns on large tables: last columns couldn't be reordered
  • [fix] Shortcuts: zoom-out / decrease tables font size
  • Other small UI improvements

  • Multi-level BOM is now available under Project Builds
  • The quantity of ordered but not yet received items on a Purchase Order can now be edited
  • Tree-structured data can now be searched (e.g. Labels)
  • Adding parts into a Purchase List or Supplier: a dialog now allows you to add a specific quantity for each part and will let you know the quantity that already exists in the destination Purchase List or Supplier
  • Custom print command, set through Settings > Barcodes, can now include the $data wildcard. This is useful when using custom scripts to generate your own barcode labels, where $data is replaced by base-58 encoded data of the object (part, storage or lot)
  • Shortcuts to increase/decrease table font size added: Ctrl +/- or Cmd +/-. Row height increases/decreases with font size.
  • Inventory dialog: previously used storage location is now remembered
  • Parts: data can now be grouped by Manufacturer PN. This is useful to find out parts that have the same Manufacturer PN but different Manufacturer. The API would also be useful for such a task though.
  • [fix] Part Usage quantities and group by Project Revision
  • [fix] Scroll orientation on Filters and Available Quote has been set to horizontal instead of vertical. Improvements on macOS.
  • [fix] Tables: content overlaps column's width from a certain width. When increasing a column's width, the next columns are now pushed further to the right. The table will still try to fill up all the available horizontal space whenever possible.
  • [fix] When renaming a Project Revision, re-render dropdown box

  • Tables: collapse / expand all rows whenever data is being grouped by at least one column
  • [fix] Project builds: missing stock of parts used in multiple rows
  • [fix] Ensure workspace is closed when closing the app (this was preventing other computers to open a workspace previously used in a different computer)
  • [fix] API: error whenever the server or any endpoint is run

  • Dropdown lists: options can be navigated and selected by using the keyboard, search input is automatically focused on whenever clicking on a searchable dropdown list
  • [fix] History log's description not being displayed inline
  • [fix] Prevent inventory being added to a Lot when Lot Control is disabled
  • [fix] Ensure Column Selector is visible on hover (some edge cases fixed)
  • [fix] Go-to inventory on the Lot items table

  • Lots can now be created when manually adding inventory (through the Inventory table) or by importing Parts with the Lot field mapped
  • Inventory can be added into existing Lots
  • [fix] Some data not showing up (e.g. when receiving items on a purchase order)

Adding Inventory to Existing Lots

There's now a new type of Lot: custom. Before, Lots were created only when receiving items on a purchase order or by finishing a project build. Custom Lots are meant to be used whenever manually adding or importing inventory (through Parts). On purchase orders, items received at different times can now be added into the same Lot. A given Lot, whenever referenced by a purchase order or project build, cannot be used for by anything else though.